Water Column Restoration
During the steam era, watering facilities at NSW railway stations were vital to the operation of trains across [...]
Project Update – Refuelling Restoration
Our volunteers have been busy working on the static restoration of the refuelling facilities at the southern end [...]
Project Update – MBC22959
Work is continuing on the interior restoration of wagon MBC22959. Our volunteers have been applying the final coats [...]
Refuelling Restoration
Our volunteers have commenced the static restoration of the diesel refuelling facilities at the southern end of the [...]
Project Update – Tennis Courts
After months of hard work from our volunteers, the restoration of our 1928 Tennis Courts and the Cooma [...]
Project Update – Railway Institute Building
Our volunteers have been working hard to complete work on the grounds around the restored Railway Institute Building [...]
Bocco Rock Grant – Tractor for CMR
A huge thank you to Snowy Monaro Regional Council and the Bocco Rock Community Enhancement Fund for funding [...]
Project Update – Tanker L759
It's been an exciting week on the restoration project of Oil Tanker L759 as we were joined by [...]
Trackwork Update – New Sleepers
Thanks to the generous donations from our supporters and the hard work from our volunteers, our perway team [...]
Project Update – Tanker L759 Steel Repairs
Restoration of Oil Wagon L759 has now commenced. Our volunteers have been busy welding and re-attaching pipes and [...]
Winter is Gardening Time
Over the cooler months, our volunteers have been working hard to maintain our gardens and landscaping in preparation [...]
Cruise Express Visits Cooma
Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting guests from the Cruise Express Grand Southern Loop Tour as they [...]
Trackwork Continues
More progress in the yard today as the team finished installation of more replacement sleepers, serviced the points [...]
Project Update – VW Quad
After being entirely stripped down, sand blasted, repaired and painted, our volunteers have now started to re-assemble the [...]
Project Update – MBC22959 Interior
With the exterior restoration complete, our volunteers have been focusing on the interior restoration of MBC22959 and it's [...]
Project Update – Tennis Court Restoration
The restoration of the Cooma Railway Institute Tennis Courts is starting to take shape. The transformation has been [...]
Snowy Hydro Community Grant – Institute Building Fitout
Thanks to the support from Snowy Hydro and their Community Grants Program, we've been able to fit out our [...]
Rail Safety Week
This week is Tracksafe National Rail Safety Week where we raise awareness of our railways to help keep [...]
Work Continues – Stop block installed at Snowy Junction
Our track crew continued their work on the railway corridor with a new temporary stop block and stop [...]
Track Machine to Snowy Junction
With the commencement of operations and the repairs to the Yareen Road Level Crossing completed, one of our [...]
Rail Operations Commence
We are extremely proud to announce that railway operations have re-commenced on the Cooma to Snowy Junction section [...]
Yareen Road Level Crossing Repairs
A big thank you to the team from UGL Regional Linx who completed the repair work on the [...]
Community Announcement – Railway Reactivation
We would like to advise that from Saturday 18th May 2024, the section of railway line between the [...]
CMR at the Transport Heritage NSW Sector Development Day
Yesterday, we had the pleasure of presenting to our peers at the Transport Heritage NSW Sector Development Day [...]
What is sleeper replacement?
We talk about it a lot, but what is actually involved in repairing track and replacing sleepers? Quite [...]
VW Ganger Trolley Restoration
With school out for a couple of weeks, some of our Cadets took the opportunity to join our [...]
Yareen Road Level Crossing Reactivation
Thanks to a huge effort from the team today, where the Yareen Road Level Crossing has now been [...]
Project Update – MBC22959
The weather was fighting us for a few months over Summer, but our volunteers have made some significant [...]
100 Today – CPH #6
Happy Birthday to one of the stalwarts of CMR, our beautiful heritage rail motor, CPH No. 6, who [...]
ClubGRANTS – New Welder
Thanks to the generous support of the Cooma Ex-Services Club through the ClubGRANTS program, CMR were able purchase [...]
Defibrillator at Cooma Station
Thanks to a generous donation from Snowy Monaro Regional Council, we were recently able to install an Automatic [...]
Stronger Together – CMR Signs MoU with Friends of Bombala Railway
This weekend was a very exciting weekend for the future of railway tourism in the Monaro with the [...]
Update on outcome of SMRC meeting
On Thursday this week, Snowy Monaro Regional Council voted on a resolution to accept an invitation from Kristy [...]
Paybus FP11 Roars Back to Life
There were exciting scenes at Cooma Railway Station yesterday as NSW Railways Paybus FP11 roared back to [...]
Back to the classroom
It was back to the classroom for our volunteers yesterday as we ramp up our training program to [...]
Yareen Road Level Crossing Rejuvenation
The journey to return tourist trains to the rails took another step today as the team started rejuvenation [...]
CMR Cadets Youth Program
Cooma Monaro Railway are very proud to announce the establishment of our CMR Cadets youth program. The CMR [...]
Project Update – Snowy Junction
Thanks to the dedication of our brush cutting maestro Caelan, the Snowy Junction railway precinct is slowly coming back [...]
There was movement at the station…
As the word had passed around...well, around our volunteers anyway. Yesterday was a huge day of rolling stock [...]
Expect the Unexpected – Rail Safety Week 2023
This week we celebrate Tracksafe Rail Safety Week, which is timely with the announcement that trains will be [...]
It’s Official – Trains are returning to the Monaro
After almost a decade, Cooma Monaro Railway is excited to announce that tourist trains will be returning to [...]
Rails and Trails – Sharing The Corridor
Over recent months, we've been asked quite regularly about our current position on the proposed Monaro Rail Trail. [...]
2023 Australasian Tourist and Heritage Railway Conference
Over the last weekend, a delegation from CMR had the pleasure of attending the 2023 Australasian Tourist and [...]
Welcome Nichole Overall – Patron of CMR
We are delighted to announce that the former Member for Monaro, Nichole Overall for Monaro has accepted our [...]
Project Update – MBC22959
Over the past few months, our team have been working through the cleaning and preparation work for the [...]
Trackwork Update – Timbers on Point(s)
The perway team have been putting in the hours recently as we work towards the return of train [...]
Museum Update – Expanding Our Visitor Experience
How time flies! Next week will be 6 months since our museum opened last December, and what an [...]
National Volunteer Week – We Are The Change Makers
This week we have the pleasure of celebrating the vital role that volunteers play in community organisations across [...]
3203 is back together
How awesome is it to see this beautiful machine back together at its new home in Cooma. Another [...]
3203 (Part 1) Has Landed
What an exciting morning here at Cooma Monaro Railway Museum. Arriving shortly after sunrise, 3203 rode into town [...]
Locomotive 3203 is southbound
The locomotive has been loaded and is currently on it's way southbound. Based on the current schedule, we [...]
Winner – Outstanding Visitor Experience
What a huge honour tonight to win the "Outstanding Visitor Experience" award at the 2023 Snowy Monaro Business [...]
Thank You Future Generation
A huge shout out to Future Generation today for assisting our team with the relocation of our shed frame [...]
Steam locomotive 3203 coming to Cooma
We are extremely excited to announce that NSW Railways Steam Locomotive 3203 will arrive at it's new home in [...]
New Rolling Stock Restoration Projects
We are excited to announce that Cooma Monaro Railway has been awarded a grant of $37,800 from the NSW [...]
Snowy Junction
After clearing south of Cooma Station, our vegetation control team have turned their attention to Snowy Junction. The team [...]
Clearing the way
With the station and yard back under control, we've turned our attention back to the railway corridor where our [...]
Award Winning Roses
It was another successful year for CMR at the 2023 Cooma Show with two first place prizes and a [...]
Progress Update – Cooma Yard
It's been a big few weeks for our grounds maintenance team, who have been working hard on vegetation control [...]
Powder Van PV22318 – Restoration Complete
With the weather we've had over the last 18 months, we were starting think that we'd never be able [...]
Display Stands – Tightwad Workshop
Being a volunteer run organisation, we are always looking for ways to make the most out of the limited [...]
Making (or laying) Tracks
Our youth team, affectionately know as "The Apprentices", have been working hard over past few months, replacing sleepers on [...]
And just like that….We’re open!
What an amazing weekend. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support this weekend [...]
International Volunteer Day
Today is International Volunteer Day which celebrates the important role that volunteers play in our community. As a volunteer, [...]
A piece of history returns to the Monaro
It was with great pleasure that we welcomed Councillor Lynda Summers to Cooma Railway Station this morning to return [...]
New Merchendise
Can't have a museum without merch. 🧢 It's only one week to go before we open our doors to [...]
Sydney Morning Herald – Steam Trains vs Cyclists
Interesting article from The Sydney Morning Herald about the future of railways and rail trails in NSW, although it [...]
ANNOUNCEMENT – Museum Opening
It's with great pleasure that we announce the public launch of Cooma Monaro Railway Museum at Cooma Railway Station [...]
PROJECT UPDATE | Railway Institute Building
It's been a couple of months since work commenced on the restoration of the Railway Institute Building and it's [...]
MUSEUM UPDATE | Telling the story…
Today was a huge milestone in the development of the "Travel for Pleasure" museum at Cooma Railway Station with [...]
New Visitor Courtyard
As work continues in preparation for the museum opening, our volunteers have been transforming the areas around the station [...]
NEW ARRIVALS | MBC Refrigeration Van & L-Truck
It’s been a busy weekend at Cooma with two new arrivals to join our fleet of heritage freight rolling [...]
MUSEUM UPDATE | The countdown begins
While there has been a lot of work happening around the yard, we've also been busy working on our [...]
Track Restoration | Yard Update
The equipment was putting up a fight this week but the first section of track restoration from the loco [...]
ANNOUNCEMENT | Restoration of Railway Institute Building and Tennis Courts
This week, we were privileged to host Nichole Overall MP at Cooma Railway Station to help us announce $310,000 [...]
Project Update – Cooma Yard Track Restoration
The next stage of track restoration within Cooma yard has now commenced between the loco shed and the station [...]
New Arrivals | MB Timber Box Van
Our rolling stock collection continues to grow with the delivery this week of a Steel Framed MB Timber Box [...]
Arson Attack at Cooma Railway
Normally we like to share positive stories about the exciting progress being made by our volunteers but unfortunately today, [...]
Project Update | Clearing the mess
It’s not pretty work but it’s important work and another important step toward bringing the precinct back to life. [...]
Project Update | There Is Track Out There
How good does that look? Our team of volunteers have continued their hard work clearing the railway corridor with [...]
Project Update | Getting Back on Track
Operating a heritage railway is no simple task and a huge amount of work has been taking place behind [...]
Award Winning Roses
🌹 AWARD WINNING ROSES🌹You may have seen the beautiful rose gardens that we’ve been cultivating over the last couple [...]
Project Update | Signals & Interlocking System
During February, we welcomed back our friends from the CMR Signals Branch who travelled from the far corners of [...]
New Arrivals | 🚃 S-Trucks 🚃
It’s always exciting when we get new arrivals in the yard and this month we’ve continued to grow our [...]
Community | Working Together
The events of the last two years have taken a huge toll on our local community, particularly our regional [...]
Project Update | 🌳 Landscaping and Gardens
Work on landscaping and gardens across the Cooma Railway Precinct has continued through February as we work toward bringing [...]
Rails and Trails
Over the past few weeks, many of you have been asking what our position is on the proposed development [...]
A Total Railway Experience
While the pandemic has disrupted the plans of many organisations across the country, including CMR, our dedicated team have [...]
Sleepers for a greener future
Restoring and maintaining railway infrastructure is a huge task, especially for an entirely volunteer-based workforce. With an average life-span [...]
Getting Back on the Rails
It’s been a long journey and almost a decade since trains last graced the rails in the Monaro but [...]
Project Update | Signals & Interlocking System
Did you know that the Cooma Railway Precinct will have the only original, fully operational Signal and Interlocking system [...]
New Arrivals
The last few weeks of 2021 were exciting for CMR as we took delivery of more rolling stock from [...]
Project Update | Powder Van Restoration
With a reprieve from the recent inclement weather, the team were able to make a start on the restoration [...]
Treasure Transoms
A vital element in bolstering CMR’s return to the rails arrived in the Cooma railway freight yard today. A heavy [...]
Quads, Sheds and Coffee
A Wheel Blast: This week we look at why the track quad vehicle has shiny rims, we move beyond the [...]