With the exterior restoration complete, our volunteers have been focusing on the interior restoration of MBC22959 and it’s looking amazing!

We’ve been able to retain the patina of the side walls which have been cleaned and sanded, ready for oiling while the timber roof has been stripped, repaired and painted.

The sheet metal at the ends which housed the ice blocks are slowly being cleaned and repaired, with small amounts of sheet metal being replaced to remove rust and replace missing parts.

Most recently, the team have been working on the installation of the new timber floor which is looking absolutely amazing. The previous floor was rotten and needed to be replaced. The timber had to be specially ordered and the team have done a fantastic job so far with the installation.

👏 We must give the team a big shout out for their work on these restoration projects. We don’t have the luxury of a shed or covered space to work on our restoration projects and all the work is completed outside in the elements, which in our region can be pretty extreme. They do such a great job in conditions that aren’t ideal, but they don’t complain and continue to produce some amazing work.